The computer revolution may well change society as ___ as did...
问:a certainly b insignificantly c fundamentally d comparatively 选哪...
答:表示计算机革命和工业革命一样给社会造成的改变是根本的 c. fundamentally 根本性地 a. certainly 当然地 b. insignificantly 没有意义地 d. comparatively 相比较而言
2012-03-02 回答者: petitcastor 2个回答 13
The computer revolution may well change society as ___as did t...
问:The computer revolution may well change society as ________as did t...
2014-10-05 回答者: 血刺小沫濜p 1个回答
答:67. The computer revolution may well change society as _C_ as did the Industrial Revolution. A certainly B insignificantly C fundamentally D comparatively certainly 当然的,确定无疑的(主观思想较浓厚); insignificantly 没有...
2023-02-04 回答者: 87652推唐 1个回答
问:1.She has bought__for the living room. A.plenty of new furniture B....
答:如果第一个空选posting,那么前后意思就不通顺了。3.The computer revolution may well change society as __ as did the Industrial Revolution. A.certainly B.insiginalficantly C.fundementally D.comparatively 这个...
2011-05-02 回答者: 芊芊6688 2个回答 2
高三英语 高手进
问:He is such a lazy man_____nobody would like to work with. A.that B....
答:因为as前的谓语为spent,as后的动词也应为过去时。所以答案为D.六、As 形容词/副词原级 as Thecomputerrevolutionmaywellchangesocietyas___asdidtheIndustrialRevolution.(0001)A)certainlyB)insignificantly C)fundamentally...
2008-07-27 回答者: xfsteven 2个回答
问:The computer revolution may well change society as fundamentally as...
答:和工业革命一样,计算机革命 也可能从根本上改变社会/也可能带来根本性的社会变革。(后一种感觉更符合汉语习惯,前一种更“忠实”原文)
2009-04-19 回答者: febbyx 4个回答 1
问:31. There is no rule has no exception. A. but B. that C. which D. w...
答:38. The computer revolution will change society as___C__ as did the Industrial Revolution.A. certainly B. insignificantly C. fundamentally D. comparatively 39. They rose one after___D___ and walked out o...
2008-11-25 回答者: 怜惜凝眸 1个回答
问:31. There is no rule() has no exception. A. but B. that C. which ...
答:b c c a c c a b d a c a c b d d a c a b
2008-11-01 回答者: jollymemory 3个回答
答:29. The boy spent as much time watching TV as he ___ studying. A) doesB) had C) was D) did 30. The ship's generator broke down, and the pumps had to be operated ___ instead of mechanically. A) ...
2024-04-15 回答者: 蓝韵文化传媒 1个回答
答:1. How did Erin White feel upon seeing Barack Obama's victory in the election? A) Excited. B) Victorious. C) Anxious. D) Relieved. 2. Before the election, Erin White has been haunted by the question of whether...
2022-05-31 回答者: 魍魉JJW 1个回答

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